Figuring out where you want to call home can be a complicated process. Some folks stay put, never leaving the area that they grew up in, while others cross the country to settle down in a new place. There’s a lot to consider when moving, and each state has benefits and drawbacks, but a new report weighs them out for us.
- WalletHub has just come out with their report on the Best States to Live in for 2024.
- They rated each state on 51 key indicators of livability, broken down into five categories - affordability, economy, education & health, quality of life and safety.
- The factors range from housing costs to the education rate to the quality of hospitals.
- Based on all of that, WalletHub’s best state to live in this year is Massachusetts, which is number one for education and health.
- It’s sixth for quality of life, seventh for safety, 15th for economy, but it can be pricey, landing at 44 for affordability.
- Alabama, 38th overall, is first for affordability, while Vermont, 19th overall, is number one for economy, New York, ninth overall, is first for quality of life, and New Jersey, third overall, is tops for safety.
- On the flip side, the worst state to live in is Louisiana, which is dead last for economy, near the bottom for safety and education and health.
The Top 10 Best States to Live In
(Click here to see where your state falls on the list)
- Massachusetts
- Florida
- New Jersey
- Utah
- New Hampshire
- Idaho
- Pennsylvania
- Wisconsin
- New York
- Wyoming
Connecticut came in #22
Source: WalletHub
Photo: Getty
Photo: John M Lund Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images