Between the cooking, cleaning, laundry and everything that goes into taking care of kids, it can feel like a stay-at-home mom’s work is never done. While she doesn’t get a paycheck for all those chores and tasks, if she did, it would be a pretty nice one, according to new research. A new study reveals how much stay-at-home moms would make if they got paid for all the work they do.
- To come up with an amount, Beike Biotechnology analyzed the range of household tasks stay-at-home moms do, along with all the childcare tasks, like transportation, tutoring, and emotional support.
- Researchers looked at how long parents spend on each task, based on the size of the family, and how much it would cost to outsource those tasks over time, in 80 major cities worldwide.
- Of the top 10 cities where stay-at-home moms would be paid the most, four are in the U.S.
- San Francisco is third, where they’d make $5,196 a month for all their hard work, and Washington, D.C. is seventh, with a monthly total of $4,439.
- New York City is eighth, unpaid stay-at-home moms there would bring home over $43-hundred a month, while in Los Angeles, ninth on the list, the monthly pay would be $4,264.
- The city where stay-at-home moms would be paid the most in the world is Zurich, Switzerland, where they’d get $5,745 each month.
World’s Top 10 Cities Where Stay-At-Home Moms Would Earn The Most For Their Work
- Zurich, Switzerland - $5,745
- Basel, Switzerland - $5,307
- San Francisco, California - $5,196
- Geneva, Switzerland - $5,201
- Copenhagen, Denmark - $4,567
- Oslo, Norway - $4,552
- Washington, D.C. - $4,439
- New York, New York - $4,388
- Los Angeles, California - $4,264
- Helsinki, Finland - $4,178
Source: NY Post
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