Kerry Collins

Kerry Collins

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  • Tired of having your bathroom mirrors fog up when the shower is running? TRY SHAVING CREAM! (see video below). Spread shaving cream all over our bathroom mirror, let sit for about 10 minnutes and wipe it all off. Then turn the hot water on and see what happens!!! Or try Car Wax!
  • Guys. Wanna get all the wrinkles out of your clothes without lifting up an iron or a steamer? Throw your clothes in the dryer with a bunch of ice cubs. The ice cubes turn to steam because of the heat and boooom! Wrinkle free warm cozy clothes.
  • Dryer Lint Fire Starter. Easy way to get a fire started in the fireplace or firepit this pumpkin spice season. Stuff a bunch of dryer lint into an empty toilet paper roll, light it on fire and throw some kindle on it and booom...instant cozy fire. You can also fill up an eggcrate with lint or use one of those dunkin' to go trays, those work great!
  • Get your sneakers clean with toothpaste! Non-gel white toothpaste works great for cleaning white-soled sneakers.  Put toothpaste to an old toothbrush and work the paste into the dirty spots. Let sit for about ten minutes, and then wipe it off with a damp towel. Repeat if necessary.
  • CAR WAX YOUR SNOW SHOVEL. Works best with metal shovels. . Apply a thin layer using a damp cloth. Let dry and then buff off with a dry cloth. This leaves the shovel clean and lubricated, so the snow and ice won’t stick!
  • This one i don't recommend...but it's funny. I wish i knew this in highschool. Wanna get something from the vending machine for free? Try hitting * * 123 123 (star star one two three one two three) The pick what you want!
life hacks message in neon lights

Photo: Carol Yepes / Moment / Getty Images

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