Kerry Collins

Kerry Collins

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Americans love coffee, so much so that just the idea of drinking it in the morning is what gets 81% of coffee drinkers out of bed, according to a new survey. It finds that desire for the buzzy beverage has them drinking an average of 460 cups of coffee a year.

The poll of 2-thousand U.S. coffee drinkers also reveals:

  • Hot coffee is the favorite style of coffee for about half (48%) of respondents, followed by cold brew (20%), iced coffee (18%), frozen or blended coffee (7%) and espresso-based drinks (5%).
  • Just over a third (36%) of social media users admit they’d rather give up their accounts than give up coffee (25%).
  • Americans love their coffee drinks so much that 48% have attempted to recreate their favorite beverage from the cafe at home and 92% of them were happy with the results.
  • Only 27% of coffee drinkers would rate the drinks they make at home as “excellent.”
  • The biggest struggles they face with DIY coffee at home is measuring the right amount of coffee (48%), choosing the correct grind size (48%) and selecting the correct filter (44%).
  • Still, 74% are still willing to try out new coffee brewing methods, but their biggest concerns are the ease of preparation (61%), the cost of equipment (51%) and the prep and brew time (44%).
  • That may be why 71% say it’s important to have their coffee made by a skilled barista.

Source: SWNS Digital

Tired man holding giant cup of coffee

Photo: Andy Ryan / Stone / Getty Images

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