Language changes and evolves over time, with new terms becoming part of our collective vocabulary through pop culture and current events, like “wardrobe malfunction.” While we gain new words, some that have been around for as long as we can remember start to disappear. But when it comes to slang, things come and go at a much faster pace, as they get trendy, then go out of style just as quickly.
A new report reveals the most and least popular slang words for each generation.
Using Google Trends data and a survey of a thousand Americans of varying ages, the team at Preply discovered the old school slang that’s still being used and which words aren’t slaying anymore.
The most popular slang words for each generation:
- Baby boomers - bummer, mellow, wannabe
- Gen X - chill, lame, bummer
- Millennials - OMG, chill, lame
- Gen Z - selfie, OMG, ghost
The slang terms each generation would most like to see come back in style:
- Baby boomers - far out, peace out, bummer
- Gen X - right on, groovy, epic
- Millennials - cool cat, cowabunga, talk to the hand
- Gen Z - YOLO, rad, wazzup
These are the slang words each generation would most like to add to their own vocabulary, as well as where they learn most of these terms:
- Baby boomers - glow up, POV, fire. Top source for learning new slang - younger family members
- Gen X - sksksk, CEO of, POV. Top source - younger family members
- Millennials - sksksk, CEO of, Guap. Top source - YouTube
- Gen Z - sheesh, guap, clap back. Top source - TikTok
The least popular slang words for each generation:
- Baby boomers - woke, Gucci, sheesh
- Gen X - thirsty, clap back, slay
- Millennials - slay, sus, clout
- Gen Z - savage, sksksk, POV
Source: Lifehacker
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