These days, it’s more common to see tattoos in workplaces in the U.S., even members of the U.S. House and Senate have them. This may be because 80% of U.S. adults say society has become more accepting of those with tattoos in the last few decades, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.
The poll of nearly 85-hundred reveals how many adults have a tattoo and who’s more likely to have one:
- About a third (32%) of adults have a tattoo and 22% have more than one.
- Women are more likely to have at least one tattoo, 38% of them do compared to 27% of men.
- More young adults have tattoos, 41% of those under 30 have at least one, 46% of those between 30 and 49 do, 25% of adults between 50 and 64 do, while just 13% of those 65 and older have a tattoo.
- In terms of race and ethnicity, 39% of Black Americans have a tattoo, compared to 35% of Hispanic Americans, 32% of white and 14% of Asian Americans.
- There’s no big difference by political party, a third of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have a tattoo and so do 32% of Republicans and Republican learners.
- The most common reason Americans get a tattoo is to remember or honor something or someone (69%), 47% say they got one to make a statement about what they believe and 32% say they got at least one tattoo to improve their appearance.
- While most Americans don’t regret getting a tattoo, 24% admit they do.
- As for folks who haven’t been inked yet, 85% of them say they’re not likely to get a tattoo in the future
Source: Pew Research
photo: Getty
Photo: Alvaro Medina Jurado / Moment / Getty Images