Innovation is the key to growth, and that’s particularly true for states, which have grown innovation through things like investments in education, research and business creation, especially in highly specialized industries. So, which states are leading the way?
- Well, WalletHub just came out with their list of the Most and Least Innovative States in the U.S.
- They judged the 50 states and the District of Columbia on 22 indicators of innovation friendliness in areas of Innovation Environment and Human Capital.
- They include things like share of STEM professionals, R&D spending per capita, tech company density and more.
- With all the tech companies out west you may think that one of those states would top the list, but coming out on top is District of Columbia.
- It earns an Innovation Index score of 76.00 and lands at number one for Human Capital and two for Innovation Environment.
- Massachusetts, second overall, is tops for Innovation Environment.
Connecticut came in at #15
Top Ten Most Innovative States in the U.S.
- District of Columbia
- Massachusetts
- Washington
- Maryland
- Colorado
- Virginia
- California
- Delaware
- New Hampshire
- Utah
- As for the least innovative state, that would be Mississippi, which earns an Innovation Index score of just 20.07, and comes in dead last for Human Capital, and in the bottom five for Innovation Environment.
Ten Least Innovative States in the U.S.
- Mississippi
- Louisiana
- North Dakota
- West Virginia
- Arkansas
- Nebraska
- South Dakota
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Oklahoma
Click here to see where your state falls on the list
Source: WalletHub
Photo: Getty Images