Community Access

Community Access

Community Access


Eli’s Garden of Healing Fosters Community Healing and Violence Prevention

We spoke with Crystal Cathcart, President and Co-Founder, and Kyle Zukauskas, Treasurer and Co-Founder about Eli’s Garden of Healing which envisions a future where compassion, understanding, and community healing prevail over violence. They aim to transform a machine gun test firing site into a serene healing garden for survivors of violence, while establishing youth mentoring and violence prevention programs which foster resiliency and empowerment for all affected by violence. By providing evidence-based mentoring and prevention resources, they strive to create a safe environment where the community can thrive. Their ultimate goal is to build a community that rejects violence, invests in the well-being of all its members, and creates a compassionate and resilient environment where everyone can find healing and hope.

Eli’s Garden of Healing's mission is to foster community healing and violence prevention. They exist to serve survivors of violence & develop safer communities.

CLICK HERE for Eli’s Garden of Healing.

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