There's no doubt that Connecticut is one of the leaders in the entire country in vaccinations against COVID-19; and this has opened the door for things to get somewhat back to normal in the form of parades and graduations, with indoor graduations even possible in the case of inclement weather, according to Governor Lamont talking to the Danbury News-Times.
This is good news for both the classes of 2020 and 2021, as many did not get a graduation in 2020 and many were anticipating that 2021 would be more of the same. (My graduation from my master's program at Quinnipiac from me graduating in December of 2019, for example, will be outside on May 15).
Lamont also is hopeful that 40% of the state's population from age 16 to 44 will be vaccinated by the end of this week (getting at least one dose of the vaccine). I looked yesterday for myself and all appointments have been taken, but there are apparently going to be more opening up each day.
The state's COVID-19 rate of positivity has been higher in recent weeks, but crawled back under 3.5% yesterday:
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