US News and World Report dropped their list of the best states in America for 2021, and Connecticut (which may be a surprise to some) made it up to #20 on the list this year.
There were 8 different categories that were scored, and here is how we scored as a state:
#3 in health care
#6 in education
#22 in economy
#46 in infrastructure
#45 in opportunity
#30 in fiscal stability
#6 in crime and corrections
#28 in natural environment
Two New England states were actually in the top 10: New Hampshire at #4 and Massachusetts at #9. Rhode Island, our neighbor, was predictably in the bottom third at #34.
#50 was Louisiana, which didn't even have a rank higher in the study than #42 in any of the 8 categories.
We all complain about Connecticut from time to time, but this study shows.. it could be a lot worse.
You can see what went into the entire study here:
Photo: Getty Images