Sooooo the final draft for Governor Lamont's TRUCKS ONLY tolls plan is now in place and in the hands of our legislators! If they pass this, there will be tolls on 12 bridges and 6 highways in our lovely state! They say the money collected will go to the special transportation fund.
HERE'S THE THING...I actually understand and am OK with TOLLS for tractor trailers who are delivering goods and products to our state or may have to pass thru. What I'm worried about is once they see the money they collect with the tolls for trucks, they're gonna start to push MORE tolls for cars! NOT GOOD. Connecticut is a very small state, we are already heavily taxed as it is AND a lot of people travel more than 30 minutes to work. I drive everyday from Cheshire to Hartford. If I've got to pay to drive to work, I'm gonna be PIIIISSSSSED OFF!!! It's not like Connecticut is ENORMOUS like Florida or California. We're a small state and if tolls are put in place for cars and commuters who are Connecticut's just not right!