Complete List of Illegal Cancer Causing Shampoos ...

It's sad but true that there are so many chemicals in products we use every day.

Natural Cures Book put together a full list of illegal cancer causing shampoo's.

Check HERE to see if your shampoo is on the list -- and if it is, here is a great at home shampoo recipe from Natural Cures Book :

Homemade Natural Shampoo


  • 2/3 cup of Castile soap
  • Two teaspoons of almond or olive oil
  • 10- 15 drops of some essential oil
  • 1/2 cup of coconut milk

Method of preparation:Its preparation is extremely easy. All you need to do is to mix all the ingredients in a bottle, and your natural, toxin- free shampoo is ready!

Use:Remember to shake the bottle before you use the shampoo. Use it regularly and your hair will be incredibly healthy, shiny and gorgeous!

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