Deciding where you want to live is no easy process. While some folks never leave the place they grew up in, others make their home in a different part of the country that offers the cost of living, job opportunities, weather and attractions they want. It all comes down to individual preferences, but a new report reveals 2023’s best states to live in.

  • WalletHub has just released their list, which ranks the states on 51 factors related to livability, grouped into five main categories - affordability, economy, education & health, quality of life and safety.
  • They compared the states on everything from housing costs to the quality of hospitals to high school graduation rates.
  • Based on all of that, Massachusetts tops the list as the best state to live in now.
  • It’s number one for education and health, sixth for both safety and quality of life and 11th for economy.
  • But Massachusetts is also pricey, coming in at 44 for affordability.
  • Alabama is number one for affordability, North Dakota is first for economy, New York tops the list for quality of life and New Jersey is first for safety.
  • At the bottom of the list is New Mexico, which is dead last for safety and 47 for education and health.

The Top 10 Best States to Live In

(Click here to see how your state ranks)

  1. Massachusetts
  2. New Jersey
  3. New Hampshire
  4. New York
  5. Wyoming
  6. Florida
  7. Virginia
  8. Idaho
  9. Wisconsin
  10. Minnesota

Connecticut came in #26

Source: WalletHub

Photo: Getty

Photo: John M Lund Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images

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