The Best Job For 2023 Is…

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to find a better job? New research may be able to make finding the job of your dreams easier. “U.S. News & World Report” has just come out with their annual Best Jobs rankings for 2023. It rates jobs in 17 categories, including best paying jobs, best jobs without a college degree, and best jobs in specific industries, including education, health care and technology.

The magazine analyzes the most important aspects of a job, including median salary, job satisfaction, work-life balance, stress level, unemployment rate and growth in the sector. And based on all of that, the Best Overall job for 2023 is Software Developer. “U.S. News & World Report” projects there will be 370-thousand jobs in this field between 2021 and 2031, with an average salary of $120,730. Topping the list for the Best Paying Job is Anesthesiologist, which has an average salary of $208-thousand.

Top 10 Overall Best Jobs for 2023

(Click here to see the complete list of 100)

  1. Software Developer
  2. Nurse Practitioner
  3. Medical and Health Services Manager
  4. Physician Assistant
  5. Information Security Analyst
  6. Physical Therapist
  7. Financial Manager
  8. IT Manager
  9. Web Developer
  10. Dentist

The top 5 Best Paying Jobs for 2023

  1. Anesthesiologist
  2. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
  3. Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  4. Surgeon
  5. Orthodontist

Click here to see all the other Best Jobs lists.

Source: U.S. News & World Report

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