Those Who Honeymoon Have Happier Marriages

Preparing for a wedding is certainly stressful, which is why a lot of couples will take a nice long honeymoon after it’s over in order to relax and regroup. And while some couples may not have the money or time to take that post-wedding vaca, a new report suggests people really should.

  • A new survey by Honeyfund suggests that couples who travel together and take a honeymoon are happier in the long run.
  • 84% of couples who describe their marital relationship as “excellent” say they travel together regularly.
  • 90% who have taken three or more romantic trips since their honeymoon describe their relationship as “good” or “excellent.”
  • But 78% of couples who describe their marital satisfaction as “not so good” say they do not travel together regularly.
  • The reason why couples who travel together are happier could be because most say the main reason they do it is to spend quality time together.
  • Of those couples who did take a honeymoon, 59% of those who have been married for 11 years or more say their marital satisfaction is “excellent.”
  • But only 35% of those who didn’t take a honeymoon and have been married for 11 years or more say the same.

As for who is more likely to go on a honeymoon, the poll finds:

  • Illinois (91%), New York (80%), North Carolina (80%) and Florida (79%) are the states with the most honeymooners.
  • While Kentucky (45%), Texas (27%), California (27%) and Virginia (26%) are the states with the least honeymooners.
  • 88% of those who make $100,000 or more have gone on a honeymoon, compared to 64% of those who make under $50,000.

So if honeymoons and travel are key to happiness, what is keeping people from doing it more?

  • Well, not surprising, the top reason is finances (48%), followed by:
    • Concerns about COVID (33%)
    • Childcare challenges (33%)
    • Busy schedules (26%)

Source: Yahoo

Photo: Getty

A bride and groom boarding a plane

Photo: Getty Images

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