Rookie Cop Saves 9 Lives in First Year on the Job!

A rookie cop in Washington, D.C. is being recognized for saving nine lives in her first year of working on the streets. Patrol officer Taylor Brandt with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia hit the ground running, saving her first victim not long after being sworn in.

Just two weeks into her field training, she saved a gunshot victim by applying her Tactical Emergency Casualty Caretraining. It gives officers hands-on training in tactical medical treatment guidelines and the proper use of the supplies included in the emergency care kits. Since police are generally the first to arrive on the scene, teaching them how to provide medical care helps preserve lives.

Since then, Brandt has gone on to save eight more lives - all in the span of one year. She explains, “Even within the district some people never get to do that.” Commander of MPD Academy training, Ralph Ennis, highlights her impressive achievement. “I would challenge you to find one other police officer in this country that has saved nine people,” he says. “It just doesn’t happen.”


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Female Police Officer Talking on Radio in Vehicle

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