Ok, so I'm shook! This relationship even beats out the Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries record-breaking 72 day marriage.
**insert Kim K ugly cry**
In case you missed it, during this season's finale Pilot Pete's mother openly condemned the relationship between him and season 24 winner, Madison. Her ex-future-mother-in-law (say that 5 times fast) basically told Madison to her face that the couple would never last...big yikes. Peter then stood up to his mother and swiftly went on and proclaimed his love for Madison on national TV.

Just a few days later Peter took to instagram to announce the breakup between him and Madison. He thanks Madison, Hannah Ann and the rest of the ladies who took part in this roller coaster of a season. He doesn't site a specific reason for the couple's breakup but he does express that it was a mutual decision.
What do you guys think? Check out his post and let me know on twitter - @RealSavannahG
Photo courtesy of Getty Images.