Maryland Priest Offers Drive-Thru Confession During Coronavirus Outbreak

A catholic priest in Bowie, Maryland starting offering drive-thru confessions in light of the coronavirus outbreak and the emphasis on social distancing - HALLELUJAH!

Father Scott Holmer told Catholic Standard “This is where we priests have to be creative about how to bring Christ to people when we can’t do that in our church buildings. We need to bring Christ to people now, to bring Him to others in a safe way that won’t increase infection.”

Father Holmer said he will even wear a blindfold if someone wants to remain anonymous during drive-thru confession!

In the age of drive-thru everything, the one thing I never thought I'd see is drive-thru mass/confession. So now parishioners in this coronavirus era can not only leave church with clean hands, but a clean soul!

Shout out to Father Holmer for trying to bring back some kind of normalcy to his partitioners during this crazy time! Even if you're not a catholic, christian or even a believer at all, you have to admire this man's dedication to his faith and his people.

What do you guys think of this? Hit me up on twitter @RealSavannahG or leave a comment below!

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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